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Hello fellow DARTHers – welcome to our blog! This blog has been developed to provide a collaborative space for people with an interest in health decision analysis using R. Feel free to use the blog to post any decision analysis in R questions you might have or any nifty new tricks you have developed!

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Developing an “average out and fold back” algorithm in R

Hi! I am curious as to whether someone would be interested in exploring the development of a “fold back” algorithm for the solution to the decision tree in R. Given the tree structure , the algorithm should be able to move backwards from the terminal nodes and estimate the expected value at a given chance node. Please post alternative solutions to the comments below .
Thank you!

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Coding in R is addictive

I find that coding in R is addictive. Once I get started I cannot simply stop – I want to continue until the code actually works.
Do others also experience this problem?
What do you do about it?

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